Monday, February 2, 2009


Tagged from SIS ZACK ;) :

1) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
2) Tag 5 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse.)
3) Continue this game by tagging 5 other people




-What have you been doing recently?
tgk tv jehh.
-Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
tade ! lau aku off t die tkbole call. haha
-What happened at 10am today?
blaja ADDMATH yg ntah hape hape tuhh. xp
-When did you last cry?
tk egt aa bile. tapi ade. nanges bab phne ilang. wuuu ~
-Believe in fate/destiny?
yee kott.
-What do you want in your life now?
ape yerr ? hmm, pk dulu. t aku btau kayy.
-Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
haih, mst la bwkk. kang kuyup plak.
-What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
hmm, tkde lah. bareng je laa. :)
-What bottoms are you wearing now?
tu pn nk tau kee ?
-Whats the nicest things in your inbox?
segale kate-kate die. ahaha xD
-Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
ade kutt. :p
-What was the last movie you caught?
tk egt laa. lame da tk tgk wyg.
-What are you proud of?
makpak, kuage, kwnkwn, saudaresaudare, si die, dan ape ape yg mmbuatkn aku rase bangge lah. haha :D
-What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
oldest text ? haa, tk egt la. phne kene curi, msg sume ilang la weyh. huu ~

-What was the last song you sang out loud?
NEGARAKU. tapi tk kua sore punn. haha

-Do you have any nicknames?
adee. fmly pggl aku kak teh. haha laen laen, ena je laa.

-What does the newest text say?
ko tawu ak ape ? aku baru bjala td. hahaha bluek xp syg, ade keje ? d ade. klau tkhntr kene bwk jmpe ckgu displin, cis ! haha (he sent it to me. haha)

-What time did you go to bed last night?
10 lebeh.
Are you currently happy?
oh yeah ! happy trsgtt. haha
-Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
buang tebiat ??
-Who did you talk on the phone last night?
budak muncit sayang aku lahh. xD
-Who was the last person that make u laugh?
syg aku yg slalu buat lwk boda tpi tpi aku suke sesgt bab die buat aku ketawe mcm hape ntah. syg kau la ngokngek kpale kemek ! xDD

1 comment:

Xx.zack.xX said...

wayh tagging me bacK?? =]
btw, ena decrease the num of people ea??? hehehe pandai!